Friday, August 26, 2011

Montessori Print Shop Giveaway CLOSED

Congratulations #206, you won! I sent you an email!image

Montessori Print Shop

As you have probably noticed, my blog has taken a turn in a more Montessori focused direction. “Why?” you ask…because my beliefs are largely based in the Montessori Method. I did an internship at a wonderful Montessori School while in college and fell in love. I read many of the books, studied the method. I wanted to go to school the extra year to become certified to teach Montessori but I needed to begin working so I stuck with the public school system. My heart never left Montessori though!

Although we do not have a full Montessori based homeschool, many of my ideas stem from Montessori. When I found Montessori Print Shop, I fell in love. When they signed on to be a blog sponsor and allow me to host this AMAZING giveaway I was thrilled! This is probably my all time favorite giveaway and I am still in shock that I get to be a part of blessing someone with this gift that Montessori Print Shop is giving one of you.

First, if you haven’t been to their site, go now and browse around. Even if you don’t do anything Montessori-based in your schooling…I promise you will be inspired.


If you have been to their site, you have probably drooled over the beautiful printable files they offer, both for sale and for free. I did for a long time and then I was blessed beyond words to be given the entire printable set on CD for review in order to prepare to host this giveaway! Ya’ll, the CD set is worth over $2000, with a retail price of $593.21!!! To say I was excited is a complete understatement!!!

I have printed many of the files and plan to use these for many years. Here’s just a couple of the things we have already used…

Insect 3 Part CardsIMG_0054

Butterfly Life Cycle Read & IllustrateIMG_0062

My goal for this year is to utilize the wonderful Geography printables I have been given to create Continent Boxes. I am hoping to use this to bring the world alive for all 3 of my children. Stay tuned on my blog to see this project unfold throughout this year!

Here’s a small glimpse into the other files I now own, {and one of you will too}! Obviously I don’t have time to prepare them all, but I sure wish I did-they are amazing! I have printed so many already-mostly based around science and animals. My kids absolutely eat up any information about animals!

image image

I hope to find time to prepare many of the phonics and math printables for Ladybug when it is time. The Montessori Method for teaching math and language is wonderful.

image image

If you don’t “like” Montessori Print Shop on Facebook yet, be sure to jump over right now and do that. They are always posting discounts, giveaways and fun ideas. This doesn’t give you an extra giveaway entry {thank Facebook for their silly rules}.

Now for the fun part, the HUGE giveaway!!!!


Montessori Print Shop is giving away a Deluxe Montessori CD Rom Collection - at this time it has 997 pdf files: 993 printable Montessori materials and 4 Primary Teaching Manuals. Most materials include beautiful photographic images that provide the children with real-life, concrete images, and information about the world around them.

Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment telling us you’d like to win, and briefly why!!!

After you do that, you can gain some extra entries by any of the following, remember to leave an extra comment for each item so they will count as entries...

  1. If you subscribe via RSS, Google Friend Connect, or email or to 1+1+1=1 , give yourself an extra entry!
  2. If you follow @MontessoriPrint and @1plus1plus1 on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway, give yourself an extra entry! Sample tweet: @1plus1plus1 is hosting a giveaway for @MontessoriPrint for an entire Deluxe #Montessori CD Collection, 967 files! Enter here:
  3. If you subscribe to the Montessori Print Shop Blog, give yourself an extra entry!

This Giveaway is open for anyone!

I will select a winner using, so be sure you leave a separate comment for each entry, I will also be checking comments to see that your entries are valid-please be honest!

Contest ENDS September 10, 2011. Winner will be announced here, and emailed (your email MUST be in each comment/or enabled in blogger). Winner must reply to my email within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.

Linking up with Giveaway Day on Hip Homeschool Moms!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1298   Newer›   Newest»
Katie said...

I'm all for anything that improves my homeschool and I think this will be a major improvement. I would love to win it; thank you so much for hosting the giveaway.


Katie said...

I subscribe to your blog via Google Friend Connect.


Katie said...

I follow both on twitter and tweeted the giveaway as class413


Holly said...

I too love Montessori materials. I subscribe to your blog and to the montessori blog. Thank you

Leptir (Nataša) said...

I'd like to win! I'm Montessori teacher, so all materials are welcome :-)

Leptir (Nataša) said...

I'm your follower (Google Friend Connect)!

Leptir (Nataša) said...

I'm already subscribed to Montessori Print Shop Blog :-)


Leptir (Nataša) said...

I (LeptirNatasa) tweeted about your giveaway!


lander_chic said...

I would love to win! We have added two new classes to our school in the last 2 years! We need to win this! Anything would help! Thank you for the awesome opportunity!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful resource I'd love to have more geography materials to share with my class.

Anonymous said...

I'm subscribed via RSS.

Kiwiaussie said...

I would love to win something like this so much. My daughter is almost 3 and has Down Syndrome. I am totally convinced this would be the perfect learning method for her. She has 6 older sisters, 2 of whom went to a Montessori preschool. With all the costs involved in a large family, and with her health issues, there is no way I could afford to buy something like this, so I really appreciate the opportunity to enter this.
God Bless <3

Kiwiaussie said...

I have subscribed to the 1+1+1 blog.

Oh, and my email is

Beth-Ann said...

One of the Montessori principles is to use beautiful materials of real-life objects. I believe that this CD provides both. What a great resource!
With my oldest starting preschool and my yougest's first year with the Montessori method, this giveaway would be a blessing to our Montessori based homeschool.
Thank you for such a great blog and of course a great giveaway!!

Kiwiaussie said...

I have also subscribed to the Montessori Print Shop Blog. Don't have Twitter though sadly! Almost tempted to sign up with them.....

Jen @ lil Mop Top said...

I would love to win so I can learn more about how to add in Montessori activities for my boys!

Jen @ lil Mop Top said...

I also follow you through feeds. :)

Rose Witteveen said...

Hello! I just started a new small Montessori School in August. The CD Rom would provide a new school with some fabulous materials. I'd love to win!

han fang said...

this is the cd i have been eying for, but school budget has been cut and just cannot afford it roright now..i still think all children deserved great Montessori materials such as this, and wish i can win !

Finding Purpose in the Pain said...

I am homeschooling a 4 1/2 yr old & we would absolutely LOVE to win. The printables sounds amazing!

Kim B. said...

Pick-me! I'm trying to do a Montessori learning approach with my daughter and would LOVE to win this!

Kim B. said...

I'm a Google Follwer to 1+1+1=1!

Anonymous said...

This would be awesome! I've followed your blog for a while, and am always jealous of your materials. And since I can't shell out a lot of money... I started preschool with my daughter, and this would be a wonderful resource for us.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe!

Kim B. said...

I also subscribe to the Montessori Print Shop Blog.

Anonymous said...

You have such wonderful materials. I would love to win.
Thanks, Gail

Jodie said...

I run a Montessori-based home daycare/preschool and would LOVE to win this CD-ROM!

Jacqueline said...

I love their stuff. I am somewhat new to home teaching and this would help me out tremendously. I hope you pick me. Thank you so much for the giveaway! Such a wonderful resource.

Jacqueline said...

I subscribe in a feed as well.

Jodie said...

I subscribe to 1+1+1=1 by email.

Jacqueline said...

I subscribe to the Montessori Print shop blog as well.

Jodie said...

I subscribe to the Montessori Print Shop blog.

Anonymous said...

I would be so happy to win. I just got certified as a Montessori 3-6 teacher and am starting a preschool for my son. I live in Japan, so all materials would be expensive to import.

My email is

Thanks, Jennifer

Sam Paturi said...


Anonymous said...

I subscribed to your bog by email.


Anonymous said...

I also subscribed to the Montessori Print shop blog.

Thanks for the chances. Let me know about the continent content as I was thinking of purchasing that cd anyway.


The girl who painted trees said...

We use Montessori at home and I would love to be blessed with this! I have purchased many things from MPS and have been so tempted to buy the CD collections.

thegirlwhopaintedtrees at gmail dot com

PBsoc20 said...

I have been using Montessori Printshop for the last five years. It is great! It would be great to have all the files on one CD :)

The girl who painted trees said...

I subscribe to 1+1+1=1 by email.

thegirlwhopaintedtrees at gmail dot com (although my subscription is probably to the email with my name in it)

The girl who painted trees said...

I subscribe to MPS by email as well.

thegirlwhopaintedtrees at gmail dot com

Jessie ( said...

i would love to win this for my school :) Great giveaway

Jessie ( said...

i also subscribe to Montessori Print Shop on twitter and facebook

The girl who painted trees said...

I tweeted (I'm momwhopaints on twitter and I have no idea how to use twitter, but I think the tweet worked).
thegirlwhopaintedtrees at gmail dot com

PBsoc20 said...

I also subscribe to the Montessori Printshop Blog

Unknown said...

I am trying to "surf" less . .. so having this package would help me stay in one place and get my school planned! It looks great!

Caterina said...

I would love to win because I have found my children learning so much by using Montessori materials.
Thanks so much,

Caterina said...

I subscribe via email to your blog.

Caterina said...

I subscribe to the Montessori Print Shop Blog.

Jessie, The Education Of Ours said...

I did them all! I really love continent study work! Fingers crossed!

Shanna said...

Would love to win this to use with my dc. My son loves science and looks like some neat science printables.

Shanna said...

E-mail subscriber!

crunchy peas said...

What an awesome giveaway. I've spent the last year researching the Montessori Method, and like you, I have fallen in love. We homeschool our 4 children who would benefit greatly from this great resource! Thanks for the opportunity.

LittleHouseontheDairy said...

I would love to win since we moved to the country and I realized I will definitely be homeschooling for preschool.

Unknown said...

Unreal! We have eight children and this would radically change our homeschooling!!

Unknown said...

I am an email subscriber to 1+1+1=1!

LittleHouseontheDairy said...

I am following you by email.
Littlehouseonthedairy (at)gmail(dot) com

Unknown said...

I'm learning more and more about Montessori and working to incorporate it into my homeschooling. Winning this would be a great boost to helping me do this.

Unknown said...

I subscribe to your e-mails.

Unknown said...

I subscribe to the Montessori Print Shop blog

Unknown said...

I am going to try to tweet about this but am new to tweeting so we'll see what happens

A Learning Journey said...

Alyssa and I would LOVE to win this giveaway ... she really enjoys using the materials. I have been interested in the Montessori method for quite some time now. I have considered taking the courses to earn the certificate too. I could definitely use the Geography files and would put the Nomenclature (Science) materials to use immediately. Beautiful products and amazing giveaway!
God bless, Tracey M.
Tot Play: A Learning Journey

A Learning Journey said...

I am already an e-mail subscriber to 1+1+1=1. I also subscribed via GFC.
Thank you and God bless,
Tracey M. at Tot Play: A Learning Journey

A Learning Journey said...

I already subscribe to the Montessori Print Shop blog.
God bless,
Tracey M. at Tot Play: A Learning Journey

A Learning Journey said...

I am following Montessori Print Shop and 1+1+1=1 on Twitter and have tweeted about this giveaway as seen below:
@1plus1plus1 is hosting a giveaway for @MontessoriPrint for a Deluxe #Montessori CD Collection Enter here:
Thank you,
Tracey M. at Tot Play: A Learning Journey

oumhilal said...

I subscribe to your blog via Google Friend Connect.


Anonymous said...

I'm homeschooling my son using the Montessori approach. This would be an amazing resource to have at hand!


chelstar615 at aol dot com

Priscilla said...

I am currently in a Montessori Training program and LOVING it! Some of the things from Montessori Print Shop have helped me in my classes! I would love to have more things to print :)

Jennifer said...

I am already a Montessori print shop subscriber...have been teaching Montessori for 15 years and would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to freshen up my shelves with the fabulous material from this giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity...crossing my finger and toes :)

Priscilla said...

I follow Montessori Print Shop on Facebook and subscribe to their blog! Thank you for doing this giveaway!

Brina said...

I would love to have this CD as I am homeschooling 3 and about to open a Montessori preschool within the next 6 months. My children love the free ones that I have already downloaded and I would love ALL of the Geography!!! Thanks for doing this giveaway!

Brina said...

I follow the Montessori Print Shop Blog and subscribe to their site.

John and Kel said...

We are a very small Montessori school with a tiny little budget. Montessori Print Shop has been a great value for us to purchase many of our printed materials. I hope I win!!!!

Beth said...

Oh! *swoon* Carisa you really are blessed! I'd love to win this package - I love Montessori Print Shop - and one of my favourite things about it is that they are local (to me).

Beth said...

I follow 1+1+1=1 via RSS.

Beth said...

And, I subscribe to the Montessori Print Shop blog and follow them on Facebook.

Jenn Cruz said...

Homeschooling for the first year after leaving a wonderful montessori school. We have several items from montessori printshop and would truly value such a vast collections so my daughter can have the extension of the materials she used in her own school.

Jennifer cruz

Gigi said...

I have brought up my kids with The Montessori Philosophy, have HS with it and my kids now attend A Montessori School. I hope to be able to donate this CD to their school.

ladle24 said...

I love Montessori Print Shop and have purchased from them in the past! ladle24 at hotmail dot com

Gigi said...

I subscribe to the Montessori Printshop blog. I love their blog!

ladle24 said...

I subscribe to the Montessori Print Shop blog.
ladle24 at hotmail dot com
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Unknown said...

We are just starting homeschool and it would be fantastic to have such a great resource!
alklong at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Email subscriber
alklong at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

1+1+1=1 subscriber
alklong at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Montessori Print Shop Blog follower
alklong at hotmail dot com

Melanie Bocarro said...

I love the Montessori philosophy, and it would be great to use with my daughter!

Jocie said...

I would love to use this stuff with my 2 kids at home!

MN said...

A subscriber to MPS, would love to win this give-away which would be an addition to teaching treasure to our school and non-profit project children.
Thank you and best wishes.

Jocie said...

I would love to use this stuff with my 2 kids at home! jocieperotti at msn dot com

Grace Montessori said...

We are in our 2nd year of running our new Montessori Preschool and LOVE Montessori Printshop. This CD would be wonderful for us as we are a non-profit, low tuition school with a tiny budget. Your blog looks great, too. Glad you are partners as I had not seen it before.


Christel Teyssier said...

I live in France! Montessori materials are hard to come by!! My autistic son and his little brother would really benefit from all of these lessons!


Christel Teyssier said...

I subscribe via RSS to 1+1+1=1!!


Christel Teyssier said...

I also subscribe to Montessori Print Shop!

chrisfredt at yahoo dot fr


kim said...

it would be a great adddition. i hope i win it. what a great give away!

ltschaepe said...

Winning this would be wonderful! I subscribe to Montessori Print Shop and I love their freebies!

Anonymous said...

I will love to win it for my kids!

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

I just read about the give-away in the corresponding MPS blog post (I subscribe to Montessori Print Shop and love their materials!). I am extremely grateful for them to do these give-aways and for others hosting them, although I have never won anything. It just makes me happy to see that there are still companies around that give away quality products and it makes me that much more happy to shop with them.
Best wishes from marentaylor at

Leanne L said...

I will be beginning the homeschool journey with my twin preschoolers this fall and am loving Montessori more each time I read about it. I'd love to win this set - what a fabulous resource!

Leanne L said...

I subscribe to your blog via email.

Leanne L said...

I also subscribe to Montessori Print Shop blog.

Alison said...

Discovering Montessori print shop and your site has been a fantastic relief as we are trying to set up our homeschool. Thank you for all that you post

Anonymous said...

This is a second entry, which should have been the first one, but I wanted to post my gratitude to you and MPS first.
So, this makes me weak to the knees - what a great give-away! I would loooove to have this for our homeschool and am fully willing to print and laminate for the next five years if that's what it takes.
Thank you so much for hosting, Carisa!
From marentaylor at

Cherine Muirhead said...

Montessori Print Shop offers such a huge variety of beautiful materials!!! How amazing it would be to win them ALL!!!! Great give away that I would love to win!!!

Cherine Muirhead said...

I am also a subscriber!!!

Pickled Pandas said...

I'm a stay at home mom who has just started using the Montessori method this year and winning this would be such a time saver for having to create my own materials!

Pickled Pandas said...

i follow via email: pickledpandasATgmailDOTcom

Anonymous said...

Carisa, I have visited your blog so many times and have been guided to it so many times, but somehow I never went through the couple of clicks to subscribe. Well, it must have taken this give-away for me to take a few extra seconds, and I am so pleased that I can now be sure to read your posts as soon as they come up. Thank you for hosting this give-way and all the best to your little school,


Pickled Pandas said...

I am subscribed to the MPS blog via email pickledpandasATgmailDOTcom

Anonymous said...

I am a Montessori teacher and mother to 1. Montessori Printshop has beautiful printables for the class and home!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to the Montessori Printshop blog

Pickled Pandas said...

I tweeted:!/pickledpandas/status/107539645700648960 said...

I'm part owner of a new Montessori school and we're on a tight budget right now. This would help a lot.

Brenda L said...

I went to a Montessori school as a child and would love the opportunity to incorporate it into homeschooling my own children.

Brenda L said...

I'm an RSS subscriber to 1+1+1=1

Brenda L said...

I'm an RSS subscriber to the Montessori Print Shop Blog.

bella said...

carissa i try to follow montessori approach in my homeschool , so those cds would be great . my email address :

bella said...

cArissa i follow your blog by emails .

bella said...

i follow montessori print shop blog via email .

Unknown said...

We LOVE Montessori for our little one's schooling!! We would LOVE to win this AMAZING giveaway!!

AL&G said...

I would love to add great materials to our homeschool curriculum.

Unknown said...

I follow Montessori Print Shop via e-mail :)

Unknown said...

I tweeted about the entry :)!/catholicmamato9

Unknown said...

I follow 1+1+1=1 via e-mail (

Brian said...

This looks awesome! I'd love to win this to use for our first major year of homeschooling. It would be an excellent resource!

Savor The Days said...

I'd love to win this! My son went to a Montessori preschool and it was fabulous but now we can't afford to send my little girl so I'm trying to do Montessori teaching at home. This would be an incredible tool for me to use with her!

Savor The Days said...

I'm an email subscriber

Babochka said...

I am a Montessori teacher and wining this giveaway would be a great help for me and a great benefit for the children

Babochka said...

Hope to win this time!

Babochka said...

My email is:

Christy said...

I would love to win this to use it with my three children!

Christy said...

I subscribe to Montessori Print Shop via email.

Anonymous said...

I would Love to win! I am a new homeschooling teacher & would love to be able to use these wonderful materials!


Anonymous said...

I also subscribe to the Montessori Print Shop Blog.


Anonymous said...

I also subscribed to the 1+1+1 blog.


Catholicfitmom said...

We would love to win! Starting a pre-school Montessori class for a non-profit for needy children. This would be just perfect. Thank you for the give away!

Catholicfitmom said...

I became a follower of your blog!

Catholicfitmom said...

I am already a follower of Print Shop Blog! Thank you!

Doris said...

Montessori is such a child-oriented approach to living everyday. Montessori Print Shop understands the method and implements it beautifully. I would love to have the CD's and would look forward to exploring the Math, as well as Science and Georgraphy.

van said...

this seems like such a great give away! this is our oficial first homeschool year and we will start with the montessori method so this could be a great help - ive already grabbed a few prints so im happy to be able to win, thank you.

nandini said...

How awesome! Would be thrilled to win this!

Angie said...

Our small Montessori preschool would love to have a resource like this!

St Michael's Academy Preschool

Angie said...

I suscribe to the Montessori Print Shop blog (extra entry!) and have very impressed with the material and info shared by them over the past year. Our preschool would love to have these CD's!

St Michael's Academy Preschool

Shann said...

I would love not like...but love to win this to help supplement the education my children currently receive in our school district...This would help them and teach them more then the schools are doing

Shannon Margaret

Shann said...

I am a google friend and rsss ... love love your website.....

Shannon Margaret brott

Shann said...

I just tweeted through _shannaMbrott_ I had to take off Enter Here becuase it was to long....but the rest is all there...

Shannon Margaret

Zonnah said...

Because I love Montessori Print Shop :)

Shann said...

I am subscribing to Montessori Print Shop Blog......Love it...

Shannon Margaret

Suzanna said...

I would love to win this. I am early in my Montessori career, and these beautiful materials wold help me to provide a beautifully prepared environment!

Suzanna said...

I also subscribe to Montessori Print Shop blog!

Natasha said...

Wow! We're just getting started in Montessori - this would be such a big help!

Natasha said...

I subscribe to your blog via RSS - thanks for some great ideas ;o)

Natasha said...

I also subscribe to the Montessori Print Shop blog!

Andrea said...

We would love to win this for my almost 4-year-old daughter

Andrea said...

subscribe via RSS

Andrea said...

subscribe to Montessori Print Shop blog. Thanks! said...

What an absolutely awesome offer! I have looked at these materials for many months and drooled over would be a dream come true to have them in my in-home montessori preschool!
Peace, said...

I also am subscribed to Montessori Print their insight, quotes and offers!!
Cheryl said...

I just signed up for 1=1=1=1 as well. Looks interesting, first time I've heard of you excited to be a part of a new extended cyber-family!

Paula said...

I would be ecstatic to win this. I *love* Montessori Print Shop and have purchased a few things there already. Thanks!

Paula said...

I subscribe to MPS blog... fantastic blog and their material is wonderful!

Paula said...

I am also a huge fan of 1+1+1=1 and subscribe, another entry! Winning this would be incredible! I hs with my 5 year old daughter.

Arlene said...

What a wonderful gift for one of us. I hope it is me! A fantastic resource for all the children at our school. Arlene

Brenda Daniels said...

We have just moved into a brand new building and added a new Montessori teacher, with whom we've all shared materials from our own classrooms. This would be a great asset to us, while giving our students the opportunity to explore new materials. We really appreciate your kindness, hard work and dedication. It gives teachers a variety of lessons to continually instill a love for learning in our students!

missladybug said...

I am an Early Headstart Teacher in Texas and would love to add these great ideas to our teaching!! Our program is Montessori based, so it would be wonderful to have that extra support.

I am a subscriber to 1+1+1+1
Jeanette Perez

missladybug said...

I am an Early Headstart Teacher in Texas and would love to add these great ideas to our teaching!! Our program is Montessori based, so it would be wonderful to have that extra support.

I am a subscriber to Montessori Print Blog
Jeanette Perez

Abby said...

I would love to use this to teach my three little ones at home!

alrawlins at msn dot com

Abby said...

I am an email subscriber.

alrawlins at msn dot com

Lori said...

I am already familiar with their site and have been drooling over their products for quite some time, here's hoping :-)


Lori said...

I subscribe to your site and thoroughly enjoy it :-)


Lori said...

I now follow you and the print shop on twitter, didn't know you tweeted eeekk :-D


Anonymous said...

My whole family would love to win this as an opportunity to learn and share together. We love Montessori:)


Anonymous said...

I have been following, reading, loving your posts via RSS for a long while :) Sarah


Anonymous said...

I am indeed a subscriber of the MPS Blog... How could I live without it!!

ajavajive said...

Thanks for hosting the giveaway Carisa. Love your blog, and I look forward to visiting often for ideas to use in my classroom.

ajavajive said...

I followed you and MPS at Twitter.

Jen said...

Would love to win this; I need Geography materials so much!

Jen said...

I also subscribe to their blog through Google Reader!

ajavajive said...

And I am already subscribed to MPS, just subsribed to you now, thanks Carisa

Anonymous said...

wow this is wonderful I would to win this!!! it would so help with all the schooling i do. trishbazin(at)

Debbie Brynteson said...

I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect. This is our first year homeschooling and I would love to use the Montessori Material! Thank you!

Neds said...

I'm already signed into print shop. This would be such a big help with my homeschooling.
thanks for the chance.

Debbie Brynteson said...

I think I did this out of order. :-) I would love to win this giveaway. I'm starting my first year of homeschooling and would love to use these Montessori materials.

Debbie Brynteson said...

I follow MontessoriPrint on Twitter and tweeted about this giveaway!

Debbie Brynteson said...

I am subscribed to Montessori Print Shop's blog.

awdpollard said...

I would love to win this for the Montessori school my dd attends.

awdpollard said...

I subscribed via email - thanks!

awdpollard said...

i subscribe tothe Montessori Print Shop Blog

Shelley said...

I would love to win because I recently began homeschooling my 4 year old with the Montessori method and these would be very useful!
Fingers crossed!

Shelley said...

I subscribed to 1+1+1+1.

Fingers crossed!

Shelley said...

I subscribed to Montessori Print Shop.

Fingers crossed!

Myra H said...

I subscribe via e-mail to 1+1+1.

Myra H said...

I subscribe to Montessori Print Shop's Blog.

Myra H said...

I would love to win! I homeschool my son and the CD would be such a blessing.

Kristine said...

I would love to win this. I love Montessori learning materials!

Kristine said...

I subscribe to 1+1+1 via RSS feed.

Kristine said...

I also subscribe to Montessori Print Shop RSS feed.

Anonymous said...

My daughter just started attending Montessori. I would love to win some materials for her school!

Kendra said...

I am homeschooling two using the Montessori method and this would be such a great resource for us. I've loved everything I've bought so far from MPS.

Kendra said...

I follow 1+1+1=1 in my google reader.

Jenevra said...

I would love to win this for the Montessori teaching I do with my kids. Thank you for the giveaway!

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