When I found out I would be receiving a Diaper Sprayer for review, I was thrilled, and also a bit skeptical to be honest! I had heard great things about these nifty little gadgets, but I really doubted that it could work as well as the hose on my back deck! However, I knew that hose would no longer be my friend in the dead of winter, so I was on board to figure out a new solution!
My biggest fear was that the water pressure wouldn't be strong enough to actually spray the poop off of the diaper-boy was I wrong...the pressure is awesome!!!! It is better than the hose on my deck!
My husband hooked it up (see directions here), and said it was pretty simple to do. He had it done in a matter of minutes. He's nice and handy like that!
Needless to say we are thrilled with our Diaper Sprayer, and are excited to be able to give one away here on our blog! This simple, yet amazing little gadget is a wonderful addition to the life of a cloth diaper-er.
You can buy your own Diaper Sprayer here. For a limited time you can receive a special discount of 15% & FREE Shipping in the USA! Enter code: tt15off
One of you will win your very own Diaper Sprayer!!!
Mandatory Entry:
Tell why you need a diaper sprayer in your 1st comment!
After you do that, you can gain some extra entries by any of the following, remember to leave an extra comment for each item so they will count as entries...
- If you have a baby who is already wearing cloth diapers (or a baby on the way who will be in cloth), give yourself an extra entry (this is an honor thing, please don't lie).
- If you follow me on Twitter, give yourself an extra entry.
- If you Follow/Subscribe to Lil' Ladybug give yourself an extra entry (go here and look on the right sidebar for subscriber info).
- If you visit my new website and browse around a bit, give yourself an extra entry by telling one thing you found on my website!
*$6 shipping fee for anyone outside the US-you can enter to win if you agree to pay the $6 fee.
I will select a winner using Random.org, so be sure you leave a separate comment for each entry, I will also be moderating comments to check that your entries are valid-please be honest!
Contest ENDS November 29, 2009. Winner will be announced here, and emailed (your email MUST be in each comment/or enabled in blogger). Winner must reply to my email within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.
I have a one year old and sometimes the poos don't roll off so easily!
1 year old in cloth!
Usually I don't really need a sprayer....but when I do? Whoa! I REALLY need it:)
We wear cloth!
I subscribe to Ladybug
From your new site - "Tot Trays are a simple twist on Montessori inspired activities for toddlers and preschoolers
I NEED a diaper sprayer to convince my hubby that this cloth diapering things isn't all that messy! It's not a problem yet since our little one is only 6 weeks old. But, when solid foods come, I'm thinking it will get messy.
I have a baby in cloth diapers.
I follow Lil Ladybug.
I love your new website. I like how are keeping a list with links to all the Raising Rock Stars activities. I hope to start our soon with my 5 and 3 year old.
We use cloth and we dunk and swish! Not fun! A diarper sprayer would be awesome!
My baby is wearing cloth!
I follow!
I've browsed you new site several times and love the Calener section. I am working on doing this with my boys!
I need a diaper sprayer because I am sick of trying to get my 16 month olds poop off with toilet paper.
I already cloth diaper
I subscribe to lil ladybug.
I need a diaper sprayer for my older child's "presents" she leaves us :)
I have a 3-week-old and a 22-month-old in cloth diapers.
I subscribe to Lil' Ladybug.
I was checking out your book recommendations on your site. . . thinking I need to check out The New Strong-Willed Child!
I have an 18 month old in cloth and have never bought a diaper sprayer but would LOVE to win one!! :)
I need a diaper sprayer so I don't have to keep spraying them out in the sink (ewww..!)
love following your little ladybug's blog...her clothes are adorable!! :) (and she is too!)
As a former teacher, I have already made a lot of your "tools for tots" to use when I get started "totschooling" my 18 month old. Thanks for all the great links (I especially love the pictures for the visual learner that I am!!)
I need a diaper sprayer because I DESPISE sticking my hand in the nasty toilet water when washing out diapers!
I have a little one in cloth diapers! 3 months old.
I subscribe to the Lil' Ladybug blog in my google reader. She's so cute!
my favorite part is the raising rock stars segment. LOVE IT and plan to start making it part of our "norm" in the new year!
We definitely need a sprayer! Our almost 1yr old has entered the pb poo stage and we could really use a sprayer!
I have an 11mo old in cd :)
I follow you on twitter :)
I subscribe to your blog :)
Your new website looks great! I love the Raising Rock Stars!
My son (2yo) is in cloth and I've never had one... but now he's much bigger than when I started w/ cloth and I can see by ppls reviews... IT'S WORTH IT!
I follow you on twitter (sarahronk)
my son (2) and daughter (10wks) are both in cloth
I follow your blog Lil' Ladybug
yes, a sprayer would be awesome--pb poo goodbye!
smiley_sara (at) msn (dot) com
14 month old in cloth
smiley_sara(at) msn (dot)com
I need this because I am worried about how to empty messy cloth diapers.
I have a potty trained 2.5 year old who wears a cloth diaper overnight just in case (he is dry 29 out of 30 nights). I am going to cloth diaper my next baby (due in May).
I follow you on twitter
I follow Lil Ladybug
What an excellent resource your website is! I don't intend to send my 2.5 year old to school until he is 4, and had been trying to find information on a syllabus we could start right now at home, but hadn't found anything. Thank you so much! I am reading all about the tot trays right now, and can't wait to make up some of my own! anna.courtney(at)virgin(dot)net
I need a diaper sprayer, to help with cloth diapering twin toddlers!
I have 3 children in cloth; my 3.5 year old at night, and twin toddler boys (18m)
I follow you on Twitter /diannakennedy
I subscribe to Lil Ladybug
I love all the homeschooling resources on the new blog!
need a sprayer to get that poop off!!
I have a 16mo old in cloth since about 9mo. and love it
I found the raising rockstars link while browing the new site, which is such an awesome idea! i love it!
Use cloth diapers!
sue (s_otwell@comcast.net)
I have an 11 month old in cloth and we now live in a house that doesnt have a wash tub next to the washer and desperately need a sprayer but just not in budget at the moment.sue (s_otwell@comcast.net)
I follow lil ladybug
I have a 15 month old in cloth.
After cloth diapering 3 children, I could really use a luxury item like a sprayer. I am tired of scraping poo into the toilet!!!
I like the printables...awesome! You are so kind to offer all of these templates and printables to us.
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