Around the time I was sent the sample, I was battling with some major stinkies and I could just not get the ammonia smell out of her diapers. I used up my free sample, and didn't win the battle by that point...I wasn't yet using the right de-stinking method. I KNEW I liked the Rockin' Green detergent though so I went ahead and ordered a full size bag, with faith that I would figure out how to get my dipes smelling good again!
Finally I gave the soak method a try, which was recommended on the Rockin' Green site. I have a front loader, so I had to soak my diapers in a rubbermaid tub in the bathtub, but I did it. 3 tbsp of Rockin Green, stinky dipes and hot water...1 hour. Then I did a cold wash with no detergent, then a hot with 1 tbsp detergent, then a hot wash without, plus an extra rinse.
So far so good!!! The ammonia smell seems to finally be gone (for those of you not familiar with ammonia smell in cloth...the dipes don't actually smell until baby pees in them, then the buildup on the dipe mixes with the urine and produces a foul smell.)
I have made the official switch, using up the last of my old detergent (which I think is the cause of the ammonia stinkies). I am now the proud owner of a big ol bag of Classic Rock ~ Monkey Snacks!

Rockin' Green is giving one of YOU a 45/90 bag of detergent! You get to choose the formula and scent!
Visit Rockin' Green and leave a comment here telling what scent you would choose if you are the winner.
After you do that, you can gain some extra entries by any of the following, remember to leave an extra comment for each item so they will count as entries...
- If you have a baby who is already wearing cloth diapers (or a baby on the way who will be in cloth), give yourself an extra entry (this is an honor thing, please don't lie).
- If you follow Rockin' Green on Twitter, give yourself an extra entry.
- If you follow me on Twitter, give yourself an extra entry.
- If you are battling stinky diapers yourself, tell what the issue is in a comment and the brand of detergent you are using now for an extra entry.
- If you Follow/Subscribe to Lil' Ladybug give yourself an extra entry (go here and look on the right sidebar for subscriber info).
I will select a winner using, so be sure you leave a separate comment for each entry, I will also be moderating comments to check that your entries are valid-please be honest!
Contest ENDS November 22, 2009. Winner will be announced here, and emailed (your email MUST be in each comment/or enabled in blogger). Winner must reply to my email within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.
I just started using Rockin' Green too and I LOVE it:) I have a big bag of cherry lemonaide (which is great!), but I'd love to try monkey snacks or peppermint mocha!
we wear cloth!
subscribe to lil' ladybug
don't know if this counts, but i was using charlie's soap and had some stinky issues too. i didn't personally think there was an issue, but my hubby would beg to differ! so we've switched to rockin' green now and he's not complaining:) plus, i've noticed the diapers are a lot soften/not so crunchy feeling now, so that's another bonus!
I'd choose Soft Rock because my son has sensitive skin.
heatherlbrandt (at) verizon (dot) net
My son is still in cloth diapers :)
heatherlbrandt (at) verizon (dot) net
I subscribe to Lil' Ladybug through google reader.
heatherlbrandt (at) verizon (dot) net
I'd go with Fresh Linen.
I finally got the courage to cloth diaper my daughter when she turned 1. She started pulling little plastic pieces off of her disposables. I would find little pieces of plastic everywhere. I always wanted to try cloth and now I had another reason to. We've been at it for about 3 months now. I will definitely be CD'ing future children.
I'm now a fan of Rockin' Green on Facebook.
I bought some hemp inserts on FSOT that stink once peed on. Nothing is quite like that smell. I'm currently using Country Save. It may take a while to get whatever detergent was previously used out of them.
I'd love to try the fresh linen scent.
Lil Ladybug is such a cutie.
My 14 month old is currently wearing cloth.
I'm a fan of Rockin'Green detergent. I may actually order some to try.
My favorite stinky solution is stripping with Dawn detergent. We have to do that once a month to keep the stinkies at bay. It would be nice to not have to do that.
I think I'd like Baby Powder... we're pretty traditional around here. But, I'd love to smell peppermint mochal, too!
I follow you on Twitter.
I have two littles in cloth!
We have lots of stink issues with my older son's dipes... amonia smell and I feel like I have to strip them ALL the time to make them absorbent again. We just use Tide right now.
I'm a follower!
I am following Lil Ladybug from now on...
I became a fan of Rockin' Green on Facebook too!
I'm a huge cloth diaper fan!!! I'm expecting baby #3 and this will be my third to use cloth on. Another great reason to CD... reuse for more kids : )
I'm currently CD my son.
I became a fan on Facebook!
I would like to try the Baby Powder fragrance... there's nothing like that smell ; )
I have been battling the stinkies for a while now. I'm using Ecover laundry detergent now, and it's OK. Some of my diapers are stinkier than others depending on the material. I'm anxious to try something that might actually work to get rid of the stink!
Hmmm...I think I'd try the peppermint cocoa scent! And I love the pail freshener!
I have one in cloth diapers right now....
I am battling diaper stink right now. Have switched from Allens to the BG brand, but still there is an odor. I'd love to try something else!
WOW! This came at a perfect time! My husband and I were just talking about how bad the little one's diapers were stinkin'! We could really go for a little Fresh Linen or Baby Powder smell! Just wandered over to their site and put some samples into the cart!
Fresh linen woudl be my pick.
I currently have a baby in cloth diapers.
we cloth diaper our littlest guy.
smiley_sara (at) msn (dot) com
I'm a Lil Ladybug follower.
I don't think my first entry took-
I'd like to try vanilla buttercream
smiley_sara (at) msn (dot) com
I'm a Lil Ladybug follower.
Yes, we are battling the stink. And just like you said it's truly after she goes potty in them. We don't do anything more than regular detergent, maybe some vinegar (not sure why...I think we heard it somewhere), maybe a little extra soaking. Doesn't put a huge dent in it. I'm excited about this detergent b/c we LOVE our Fuzzi Bunz and my husband is so great about washing them. I know he'll love hearing the good news! We have 3 kids and I only started with our 3rd. I wish wish wish I would have started with our first. Oh the money we would have saved!!! We could have spent it on all of the goodies for homeschooling! Thanks again!
And yes, we are following LadyBug!
I'd probably go with the baby powder scent--because to me, diapers should smell like baby powder. :)
I've been CDing my boys for a few years now, and absolutely LOVE it. Sure, there's some trial and error to it, but I would never go back to using sposies full-time again. Cloth is just too great--and so incredibly cute! I'm looking forward to CDing baby #4 that's on the way. :)
Vanilla Buttercream
Sometimes my diapers have a funky smell but not to bad, I use Costco's Kirkland brand.
I follow!
I have used cloth for three years now and am using them now on my 3rd baby
vanilla buttercream of course
Fresh Linen would be my scent choice!
We use cloth! We're on 2nd baby in cloth.
Vanilla Buttercream sounds good!
I would love to try this detergent!
I would choose the vanilla buttercream!!
I have cloth diapered 3 children, one currently still in them.
Became a fan on facebook!
We have been battling the stinkies over here for awhile. I use an assortment of diapers and some hold onto the smell longer than others! I have used diferent detergents.....sports wash, charlies, tide, all.....nothing seems to work as good as the dawn and or bleach method so far. I would really like to try this detergent!!
subscribed to lil ladybug!
I would pick the Monkey Snacks scent
jodietamm at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter (jolata331)
jodietamm at gmail dot com
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jodietamm at gmail dot com
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jodietamm at gmail dot com
Oh don't get me started on stink issues - I had to stop using cloth the first few months of this pregnancy because the smell would make me throw up. I WAS using Crunchy Clean, but now just using regular Tide. Still have a little stink, but not as bad. I would love to try this stuff!!!
jodietamm at gmail dot com
I now follow Rockin Green on Twitter!
jodietamm at gmail dot com
My 18 months old is in cloth diapers (we started when she was 1 week old!) Plan to CD baby #2 (in about 4 months!) as well.
jodietamm at gmail dot com
I'd choose Vanilla Lavender scent!
ambernoel226 at gmail
My boy still wears his diapers for sleeping and we're hoping to adopt a newborn soon, who will also be in cloth diapers!
And, our diapers are stinky! I know I need to strip them, which will help (from previous experience). I use Arm & Hammer Natural detergent.
I think Monkey Snacks sounds like the most fun... but I'd have a hard time passing on Pumpkin Crunch! I love pumpkin!
Our daughter has been in cloth from day 1 (our hospital even uses cloth!). We love it.
We've been having stinky diapers for a while now. We've been using Country Save detergent. I'd love to find something that could get rid of the stinkies!
Mmmmm vanilla buttercream please!
Two kids in cloth diapers...
Oh, the stench! My 2 yo is in fuzzibuns and they reek when he pees. I just use a tiny bit of Tide. Stripping in Dawn sure doesn't help and I'm nervous to use a homemade concoction in my new frontloader!
I would choose lavender vanilla if I were the winner;-)
I have a baby on the way... Due in march....
I'm not currently battling with stinky diapers but did with my second daughter 2 years ago...Very sticky I might add..I would "hide" the smell with baking soda but really I couldn't get it under control. I was using "All free and clear" because I just thought it was ok... I now know otherwise...I'm just hoping to learn this time around cause I LOVE my diapers and all the fun fabric... it's an addiction of mine. We got rid of alot of our old stinky diapers and I'm currentlly busy sewing new ones. Thanks for this give away!!
I also subscribed to Lil' Ladybug
I am now a fan of rockin' green on facebook;-)
I am now twittering too;-) Thanks for the invite and good luck to all!!
I'm a face book follower...for some reason my other post didn't show up??
I'd love to try the Monkey Snacks!
My baby wears cloth :)
Following RG on twitter :)
I'm a Lil' Ladybug subscriber :)
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We have a stink issue after every 4-5 washes. I usually just add a Tb of bleach and that always works. But I would love to find something that works well without having to use the bleach.
I would like to try the grape scent!
amlafuria AT yahoo DOT com
I CD my 2 boys!
amlafuria AT yahoo DOT com
We have stink issues. Def. ammonia smell, I keep trying different detergents but not much luck!
amlafuria AT yahoo DOT com
fan of RG on Facebook
amlafuria AT yahoo DOt com
i would either choose the unscented or the linen sounds nice
we use cloth!!
we are having stinky issues...i have yet to try anything (I'd love to start with this product!!) just stinky...i currently use homemade laundry detergent
I would choose lavendar vanilla if the scent is made from natural materials, otherwise unscented because my boys are allergic to so many laundry soaps!
I have three boys all in cloth. Wait, does that give me three entries for this point? LOL just kidding...:p
Yes we battle stinky diaper issues mostly with the ammonia smell too.
However, line drying the inside of the diapers in the sun really helps with that, but doesn't take it all out if it's really strong!
My email addy for my entries is katyanne85 at gmail dot com.
We just started to CD our 3rd a few mo. ago, because the doc kept saying she had a chronic yeast infection and I KNEW that wasn't the case. We tried every kind of trashy dipes we could find - including the pricey 7th generation, etc. - and finally figured that CDing it would be worth a shot (although our peds doc said it would make things worse. A sweet lady gave us a CD to try, and our girlyque cleared up in 3 days. Then the stinkies began. We tried a lot of detergents and even tried making our own, but are still feeling our way through this one. Last 3 mo. I have been so sick expecting #4 (yay - but not for the sickness!)so we have been using up our green trashies and then CDing it alternately. Would love to try this stuff in the baby powder! Was that too long of a comment? Hmmm.
We are using cloth!
You are right on the ammonia smell - does not engender a 'cuddle me' sensation for sure!
We follow your amazing blog.
We cloth diaper both ours (a two year old and a 10 week old!)
We currently use homemade detergent for everything including cloth diapers!
And we are totally battling the stinky ammonia smell... I've soaked and sunned and used baking powder and even a vinegar rinse on the inserts and still!!! I'm at a loss!! Wouldn't lavender vanilla diapers smell fabulous?!???
I have sooo been wanting to try this! Do I have to pick just one scent? Lavendar vanilla, fresh linen, vanilla buttercream, pumpkin crunch, peppermint cocoa- Mmmmmm! I think I would probably start with the vanilla buttercream.
I have TWO in cloth! :)
fanned on fb!
The problem I normally have is diaper funk- just that hint of "funk" smell you can't get out. I use Tide and have tried using baking soda, vinegar, oxi-clean, even bleach. still funk.
I subscribe ti Lil Ladybug. She is just a few weeks older than my little chubba wubba. :)
Ooh that such a hard choice! I think I would go with the pumpkin crunch!
We have 1 and a half in cloth diapers right now! By 6 month old wears them full time, and my 3 year old uses them at night!
We became a fan on Rockin Green on FB!
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Our stinky diaper issues are with my older son's diapers. They sat out too long before going in the wash and now we are having some stink issues. I haven't tried stripping them, yet. We use tide, and it's been working stink free for over 2 years now!
I follow lil ladybug!
I have not tried out Rockin' Green yet. I would like to try out the Lavender Vanilla one!
My baby, who will be 2 next month!, has been wearing cloth for over a year now!
I became a fan of Rockin' Green on facebook!
I am now following Rockin' Green on Twitter
I follow you on Twitter!
I've battled the ammonia smell just like most of the commenters. I have noticed that sun bathing them helped. I also, just recetnly, started to use Purex. It seems to help, just as long as I only use a lil' bit. And do a soak cycle, regular cycle, and another soak cycle.
I follow Lil' Ladybug!
vanilla lavender for sure!!!!
my baby wears cloth
i follow lil ladybug
They all sound yummy, but I would choose unscented because of our sensitive skin!
My baby boy wears cloth diapers!
I have an 18 month old in cloth! (love it!)
I am a fan on facebook!
I'm following Rockin' green on twitter!
I am also following you on twitter.
Sometimes my diapers have an ammonia smell, but no stains, thanks goodness! I have tried lots of things, even bleach (which i don't like to use). I use Allen's, but it's almost gone, so I'm planning to get some Rockin' Green to try whether I win or not! :)
I read Lil' Ladybug's blog...she's such a cutie pie!
I would love for my bum genius dipes to smell like Cherry almond or monkey snacks if I win!! I'm excited just thinking about the yummy smells! :)
I would choose baby powder scent
Toddler wearing cloth at night, new baby will wear cloth!
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Our diapers do stink. I wouldn't say you can't go near them, but I probably wouldn't smell them on purpose. How stinky are we talking? We have been using regular detergent though (Tide). I am going to have to switch.
Oh I'd love to try cherry almond, although there are quite a few that sound heavenly!
I follow Rockin' Green on twitter /diannakennedy
I follow you on Twitter /diannakennedy
my diapers are stinky, for sure. I use Tide at the moment.
I subscribe to Lil Ladybug
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