Jenn has added many new inserts recently and I haven't had a chance to print much lately. Here are my favorites that are on my list to prepare…
AND…she made an entire set all based on my Raising Rock Stars Preschool program! I will be printing the 2nd review unit for Krash this week!!
At first glance the idea of cubes and inserts seems simple-but remember that simple is often AWESOME! Just the addition of a cube can turn a once boring review or learning activity into something completely new for a child. As an adult, I could care less if it’s in a cube-but for children, there’s something about the cube that makes it more fun. All 3 of my children love our cubes and our inserts, I highly recommend adding this learning tool to your homeschool!
Learn all about joining Education Cubes here! The membership is only $10 right now! Remember this is not only a membership but also a way to support a fellow homeschooling mom. Jenn is so generous and talented, I am honored to call her friend!
Want to win an Education Cubes membership?
Mandatory Entry…
Visit www.EducationCubes.com and tell me a set of cube inserts that you like after you browse around their site a bit.
After you do that, you can gain some extra entries by any of the following, remember to leave an extra comment for each item so they will count as entries...
- If you follow/ subscribe to 1+1+1=1, give yourself an extra entry.
- If you Follow/Subscribe to Totally Tots give yourself an extra entry.
This Giveaway is open for anyone.
I will select a winner using Random.org, so be sure you leave a separate comment for each entry, I will also be moderating comments to check that your entries are valid-please be honest!
Contest ENDS January 30, 2011. Winner will be announced here, and emailed (your email MUST be in each comment/or enabled in blogger). Winner must reply to my email within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 336 Newer› Newest»I like the colors inserts.
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Hi Carissa, I have looked at the Education Cubes website and love the addition cards for my oldest, word families for my middle, and the alphabet movement cards for my youngest!
shababy 522 at yahoo dot com
Hi Carissa, I follow 1+1+1=1 on facebook!
I follow Education Cubes on Facebook!
I check out Totally Tots weekly!
I follow 1+1+1=1!!!
I would love to use the COACH Letter of the Week Capitol Letter's inserts.
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Liked Education Cubes on FB
Following Totally Tot's via GFC
I subscribe to 1+1+1=1!
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I love, love, love the sight words inserts!
I love them all and the potential for how many learning activities there are, my favorite to start with are the colors.
I follow 1+1+1=1
Alphabet Movement #1
inserts are my favorite.
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I follow 1+1+1=1 through blogger.
I follow Education Cubes on Facebook.
I subscribe to Totally Tots
I liked Education Cubes on FB.
I would like the color set and the Alphabet review sets.
I follow 1+1+1=1 on FB and google reader
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I think the Color Matching Game would be a good start for my almost 2 year old.
corgret2 @ gmail.com
I subscribe to 1+1+1=1
corgret2 @ gmail.com
I love the alphabet movement inserts.
valblaisdell at yahoo dot com
I am a follower of 1+1+1=1.
valblaisdell at yahoo dot com
I follow Totally Tots.
valblaisdell at yahoo dot com
I love the color block and word cards. They would be great for my middle child!
melinda at excell dot net
I am a follower of 1+1+1=1
melinda at excell dot net
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melinda at excell dot net
I like the picture alphabet sets :-)
I follow 1+1+1=1
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I subscribe to 1+1+1!
I like the alphabet cubes (I know, real original. =0) but they would be great for youngest little guy) for the older kids I love the math ones.
I subscribe to totally tots too.
I would probably first get the letter of the week ones from COAH because we are currently doing that with my daughter.
I subscribe to 1+1+1=1
shaunahingston @ gmail
I like educational cubes on Facebook
shaunahingston @ gmail
I subscribe to totally tots!!
shaunahingston @ gmail
I really like the arrows set. Perfect for physical activity + listening for directions.
I follow 1+1+1=1 on FB.
I follow Education Cubes on FB.
I subscribe to Totally Tots.
The colour matching game is my favorite.
I really like the Letter of the Week Inserts. Maybe these would motivate my 2 year old son to learn his letters?!? He has NO interest unlike his sister at this age!
What great cubes!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I follow 1+1+1 on FB!
Thanks again :)
I like Education Cubes on FB!
Thanks again :)
I subscribe to Totally Tots! I love your site! You are so creative and dedicated!
We are in the process of learning letters so the uppercase & lowercase alphabet cards would be great!
I subscribe to 1+1+1=1
I follow Totally tots!
I follow 1+1+1=1
I follow Education Cubes on FB
I also follow totally tots!
Hi! I love the sight words inserts!
I subscribe to 1+1+1=1
I like education cubes on FB.
I subscribe to Totally Tots. :-)
I follow 1+1+1=1.
I would really like to try the COAH, RRPS and alphabet movement insert cards!
I also follow Totally Tots. Thank you for sharing your ideas!
I like the word family ones and the Confessions of a homeschooler alphabet ones.
I follow totally tots.
I follow 1+!+!=1
I follow education cubes on facebook
I love the alphabet movement cards! How fun!
I follow 1+1+1=1!
I also follow Totally Tots!
United States flags would be a great insert set. I am loving these ideas!!!!
I subscribe to 1+1+1=1.
I would use the color cards first since we are reviewing our Spanish color words. Thanks for the giveaway!
I also follow Totally Tots :)
I follow 1+1+1=1 on FB.
I follow Education Cubes on FB.
I really would like the Spanish set!
I follow 1+1+1=1
I follow Education Cubes!
I like the money/coins!
I follow Education Cubes on FB!
I follow 1+1+1=1!
I follow 1+1+1=1.
I "liked" Educational Cubes on FB.
I follow you on 1+1+1=1!!
I like the Continents. Neat idea.
I "like" you site on Facebook
Those cubes are neat and would work well for teaching ESL!
I subscribe to 1+1+1=1!
I liked education cubes on FB.
I like the ABC's and sight words.
I luv site word inserts! Meggill12@aol.com
I follow on google, meggill12@aol.com
I follow totally tots too!
I like the arrow card inserts. It looks like a fun way to get the wiggles out.
I follow 1+1+1+1
I am an EC fan on FB
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Alphabet movement for the 2 year old, sight words for the 4 year old, and the geography inserts for my 6 year old are my favorites!
I love the Alphabet Movement cards !
I follow 1+1+1 :-)
And I follow totally tots :-)
I would LOVE to win the "Find a State" ed. cube set...it would go great with our maps and the USA lesson coming soon!!
I follow 1+1+1
I subscribe to Totally Tots too!
I like Education Cubes on FB :)
I follow 1+1+1=1.
I like the cubes on FB.
I follow Totally Tots!
I would probably get the uppercase letters inserts.
I also like EC on FB.
I'd use the color cards first. I'm trying to teach L her colors at the moment! :-)
I would like to start with the Spell to Write and Read =)
I love how the different designs can be used in variety of ways. For example, the colors could be used to teach colors, but also for a board game or to teach reading. The possibilities are endless.
I follow 1+1+1 with Google Reader.
I follow 1+1+1=1 and Totally Tots via google friend.
heartsintraining (dot) loni (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow Totally Tots in Google Reader.
I love the color cards! These would be perfect for Nudgie!
I follow 1+1+1!
I "like" Education Cubes on FB!
I follow Totally Tots
I like them all! Okay, I definitely would use the continent cards since I love teaching geography more than anything.
I already follow 1+1+1=1
I like Education Cubes on facebook.
I already follow Totally Tots.
I love the find a state cards. Since I am working on states with my 1st and 3rd grader I know they would love it and my 4 yr old would love the colors and abc's also.
I like the cubes on facebook
i subscribe to totally tots
I follow the 1+1+1=1 on facebook
Would love the addition cards - oldest son is Really into his math right now! Thanks for the chance and your site!
Love the states and addition ones!
Follow 1+1+1=1
I like the cubes on facebook!
Subscribed to Totally Tots
I probably would get the alphabet movement cards first. I love this idea. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm a follower of 1+1+1=1
I like the Alphabet Movement cards
I subscribe to 1+1+1+1+1
I subscribe to Totally Tots
The colors inserts would be perfect for my daughter right now.
ronandwhit (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to get the money cards for my elder and the color cards for my younger.
I follow education cubes on FB.
I follow 1+1+1=1.
ronandwhit (at) gmail (dot) com
I like Education Cubes on Facebook.
ronandwhit (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow Totally Tots.
ronandwhit (at) gmail (dot) com
love the rrsp inserts!
i subscribe to 1+1+1=1
i like education cubes on facebook
i subscribe to totally tots
I like the number inserts! They would be great for our 2.5 year old. This is the first time I've seen these cubes and they look wonderful!!
I follow 1+1+1=1 with GFC.
I like Education Cubes on Facebook.
I follow totally tots!
I'd like the Alphabet movement inserts!
judychrz @ gmail.com
I follow 1+1+1=1
Pretty sure I follow Totally Tots too!
I liked the sight words cards. I think my daughter would enjoy something like that.
I subscribe to 1+1+1 via RSS. Just found your blog yesterday and I love it!
I love the COLORS & the ABC Movement & Physical Activities!
I already follow/subscribe to 1+1+1=1.
I like Education Cubes on Facebook.
I already follow/subscribe to Totally Tots.
I just started using RRSP and love the idea of the inserts that go along with that program. I just love that they have so many uses, especially for multiple kids and and all ages.
Would love to win.
I follow 1+1+1=1 on blogger.
I follow totally tots on blogger.
I just "liked" education cubes on facebook.
I'd love the Raising Rock Stars inserts, of course! Or the colors for my tiny tot.
I subscribe to 1+1+1=1.
I subscribe to Totally Tots.
I like the money cubes. What a neat idea!
I also subscribe to 1+1+1.
I like 1+1+1 on facebook!
Love all the basic skills cards (letters, numbers, colors, etc.) Would like to use for addition game.
Thanks for the great giveaway
I follow/subscribe to 1+1+1=1
I follow/subscribe to Totally Tots
I love the states set. Great for Geography lessons!
I would like sight words or word families to start!
I would like sight words or word families to start!
I'm a 1+1+1=1 follower.
I'm a Totally Tots follower.
I love the Social Studies cards.
I follow Education Cubes on Facebook.
I subscribe to 1+1+1=1.
These cubes look wonderful! I am especially interested in the United States of America cards for them because we will be studying the states next year.
I liked education cubes on fb
Now following 1+1+1
I like the Letter of the Wek inserts from COHS. Also I'm entering for a friend that can"t Join right now due to finances. Her husband recently suffered a tragic accident resulting in unemployment. I'd like to give her my membership if I'm chosen.
I follow 1+1+1=1
I like EC on FB.
Now following Totaly Tots
I subscribe to totally tots
I like the word family inserts
Of course I follow your blog!
I like the alphabet movement cards, among many, many others. :) -Amy
I also follow totally tots
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