To say we love the PlasmaCar would be quite the understatement! Yes, I used the word "we" on purpose...we all love this awesome car! PlaSmart Toys kindly sent us this awesome red PlasmaCar for review and boy has it been reviewed! I think it goes without saying that my boys love it, but I have to tell you, it is even fun for Mom and Dad too!
If you are not familiar with PlasmaCar, here's a bit about the car itself...
The PlasmaCar is powered by the rider, it doesn't have a motor, battery, or power source ~other than a human being! Basically you wiggle the handle bars back and forth to get the car going. Once it is going, you can easily keep it going, turn it all around and have a blast! You can also turn the handle bars around to make it go backwards!
We have had so much fun with this car both inside of our house and out! Here's our car in action on the deck (a favorite riding place)...

They love to tow each other around...

PlaSmart Toys is giving one of YOU your very own PlasmaCar!!!! You even get to pick the color, based on availability!
Mandatory Entry...
Tell in your comment which color PlasmaCar you would choose if you were the winner!
After you do that, you can gain some extra entries by doing any of the following, remember to leave an extra comment for each item so they will count as entries...
- Follow PlaSmart on Twitter, for an extra entry!
- Follow the PlaSmart blog, for an extra entry!
- Become a fan of PlaSamart on Facebook, for an extra entry!
- Follow 1+1+1=1 on Twitter, for an extra entry!
- If you will post a photo of your child on his/her new PlasmaCar on your blog, if you win, give yourself an extra entry!
I will select a winner using Random.org, so be sure you leave a separate comment for each entry, I will also be moderating comments to check that your entries are valid-please be honest!
Contest ENDS October 25, 2009. Winner will be announced here, and emailed (your email MUST be in each comment/or enabled in blogger). Winner must reply to my email within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.
See general 1000 Subscribers Celebration Guidelines Here! This giveaway is the second of our Grand Finale giveaways, so everyone is eligible to win, even past winners during our celebration!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 328 Newer› Newest»Blue for sure! It's my daughter's favorite color...and she has a baby brother too.
derekannette at gmail.com
I would pick red!
I would blog about it if we won!
Both my girls LOVE RED!
Oh wow... my daughter would LOVE a purple one!
shanzanne at hotmail.com
I will take a picture of my girls on it if they win, I would LOVe an extra entry, Thanks!
love love love the blue. but my son likes the yellow.
We would love a red car!!
I would definitely post pictures is we were winners!
I now am a fan of Plasmart on facebook
I'm not sure which color. I would let Simon choose. I'm sure he would pick blue, yellow, or green. These look like a LOT of fun. :)
ami at homeschoolshare dot com :)
I became a fan on FB. :)
ami at homeschoolshare dot com :)
I would definitely snap (snap, snap some more) and share on my blog if we won! ;)
ami at homeschoolshare dot com :)
I added the PlaSmart blog to my Google reader. :)
ami at homeschoolshare dot com :)
Absolutely the purple one!
I'm following Plasmart on Twitter. Searching4
I'd choose yellow because my son seems to always be fascinated by yellow cars and trucks he sees on the road :)
heatherlbrandt (at) verizon (dot) net
Yes, I'd post a photo of my son in his plasmacar if he wins :)
heatherlbrandt (at) verizon (dot) net
We would love either the Blue or Green.
We're a blue family - and we became a fan on Facebook.
I follow Plasmart on Twitter
We follow the Plasmart blog
We are fans of their facebook
We follow 1+1+1=1 on Twitter
And i will most definitely post pictures of my sons using it!
We'd go for the purple. I think green would be our second choice.
Tracy in NC
We would love purple!
I have heard about these and seen pics and videos - they look SO COOL!!
We would definitely choose RED!
I became a follower of their blog
I became a fan on facebook
I would love to take a picture of my children on our new plasma car and put it on our blog!! :-)
We'd love a blue one!
That is so cool! We would pick yellow if we won :)
I would definitely post a pic of my daughter with her PlasmaCar if we won!
Definitely the pink one!!
scarletsky at att dot net
We would love the red one! Our friends have one and my kids love it!
Blue, definitely. :-)
I would take a picture if we won :)
joycelau319 at yahoo dot com
If we won I would of course put a picture with the kids and the plasma car on BOTH my blogs!
I will definitely post about the win.
joycelau319 at yahoo dot com
These are just awesome! We would pick yellow if we won...
I'm following Plasmart on twitter.
We would pick yellow if we won :)
I follow 1+1+1=1 on twitter.
I would totally put pics up on my blog if we won!
These look so cool! I would pick the red for sure!
I would post about it for sure! I could see the kids riding all over the gym with this!
I would pick Red! So Cool!!!
I would blog about it if I won!
Red would rock for us!
I think we would have to go with yellow. It's my daughter's favorite color plus gender neutral!
of course we would blog about it!
We would choose the plasma car red. I love how bright and cheerful it is on all your pictures. My second choice would be the yellow, but then again, it might get dirty pretty quickly!
juliecerdas at gmail dot com
I would blog about it if I won.
juliecerdas at gmail dot com
I follow plasma car on twitter
juliecerdas at gmail dot com
(I am momwhopaints on twitter)
I follow 1+1+1 on twitter
juliecerdas at gmail dot com
My daughter would love the BLUE!
How cool is that!
I would definitely pick the red for my boys!
became a follower of their blog.
became a fan of PlaSamart on facebook!
What a totally cool vehicle! We would definitely choose the green - my youngest daughter always gets pink hand-me-downs, and I know she would LOVE to finally get her own car in her favorite color - green. :)
And I would definitely blog about winning (with pics) if we won!
We would love a red one!
I follow you on twitter.
I am now a fan of PlaSamart on Facebook.
I will totally post a picture of them with their PlasmaCar on my blog.
I am now a follower of PlaSmart blog.
Would love a green one, but think the boys would like the red better...
Facebook fan'd Plasmart....What a fun company...
Following the PlaSmart Blog
I would love to post pics to our blog if we win...
I would pick yellow because it combines wiht another color to make up 3 of my 4 kids' favorite colors.
Love it! I would pick red!
courtney_r_r at yahoo dot com
Red! What a very fun car.
Absolutely will blog about it if I win.
We have played with this at the toy store and it is soooo cool!!! We would pick the pink one!
I am a fan of Plasmart on FB.
I am a blog follower of Plasmart.
I would absolutely blog about this win!!!!
I would choose the green one.
I would post about it on my blog.
We would go for yellow, as we have a boy and a girl who would absolutely love this riding car!
I would choose the red plasma car. I know my little boy would love this!!
I would definitely blog about this if I won! Good luck to us! :-)
I would definitely have the yellow one. The boys would LOVE that!
I would love to post a picture to our blog as well. We're big on trying new things.
These look soooo fun!! We would pick the blue!!
I follow 1+1+1=1 on twitter! :)
I now follow their blog!!
I would love to post a photo of my kids riding it if I won!!
Pink for my two little girls- we love this blog and are followers!! :) These cars look amazing! WOW!!
I will definitely post a photo of my child on her PlasmaCar on my blog if we win!! Fingers Crossed!! :)
We are a fan of Plasmart on FACEBOOK! YAY!! hope we win!! :)
http:// thechabotfamily.blogspot.com
We are now following the PlaSmart blog as well!! :) We would still love a pink car but purple would be fine as well... thank you! :)
I'd choose green. My son's favorite color.
I will definitely post about this on my blog if I win.
Kind of leaning towards the yellow or red!! What a fabulous toy!!
I'd definitely post LOTS of pictures of my little boy on the car if we won!
Red of course, like Lightning McQueen!
We would choose the green car, my oldest's favorite color.
We would blog and post a pic if we won.
We'd love the Red one.
We would post a pic if we won.
i love the sunny yellow one- but pink would be fun, too!
would def post a pic as well!
I think we'd have to go with pink because it's the girls' fav color.
I follow PlaSmart on twitter
I'm a fan of PlaSmart on FB
I follow 1+1+1=1 on twitter
I'd post lots of pics on my blog.
would love the blue with orange accents.
i am following PlaSmart blog.
i am now following on Twitter.
i am following PlaSmart on Twitter.
will post pics of my 33 month old riding the PlasmaCar if we win (we've been wanting one for a year now.... perfect giveaway!!) thank you.
Red or green - something gender neutral, since the boys always get the raw end of the deal with pink/purple leftovers...
Just to be nice and all... :)
Following them on twitter too.
Facebook fan now too.
Following their blog.
And you know that I'm already lovin' on you! :)
I would 100% most absolutely positively post a picture and most likely a lovely review if my name were to be PICKED! :)
I would choose the red one! I think my son would love it!
I follow PlaSmart on twitter!
I follow the PlaSmart blog!
I am a fan of PlaSmart on Facebook!
I follow 1+1+1=1 on twitter!
We would definitely post a picture on my blog if we win!!
We would love either the red or blue one - honestly, I'd have to talk to my two oldest and hope they would agree! :-)
I would post pictures on my blog if we win - looks like so much fun! Definitely going on the kids' Christmas list if we don't win! :-)
This is the coolest giveaway! I would choose red.
I will definitely blog about this if we win!!!!!!!
I would pick RED!!!!!!!
I would pick red or yellow....I have 4 kids ages 7,6,2,and 1 who would LOVE this!!!! :)
I am a fan of PlaSmart on Facebook!
I love the idea behind this car! My family would get excellent use out of it (and it will go on our Christmas wish list if we don't win. :) We would want the red one if we did win. Thank you for hosting such an awesome giveaway!
If we win, I will post either a neck-down shot or a shot from the back of my kids riding the car. My blog is "anonymous", so I couldn't do a face-shot. If that disqualifies us, sorry :)
we love the yellow one!
yes will blog about this if we win!
i love the yellow plasmacar!
i would totally blog about our new plasmacar if we won!!! :o)
I would choose red! We love red!
I would take a picture and put it on my blog if we won!
We would choose the red one, Quinn my 3yr old son loves red!
Following PlaSmart on Twitter!
Following the PlaSmart Blog!
We are fans on Facebook!
Follow 1+1+1=1 on Twitter!
Would absolutely post pics on our blog if we win!
Thanks for the opportunity!
The Plasma Cars are my girls' favorite ride at Dutch Wonderland. We would love to have one for them to use at home. We would probably pick the color pink.
I'm now a fan on Facebook!
I would certainly post a picture of my children with our new Plasma Car if we won!
We would like to win a purple plasma car.
We would post a review and a pic of the plasma car on our blog if we win.
I would pick red!
I would post a picture if we won!
Yellow...definitely yellow!
Fun! I would pick the yellow car!
I follow 1+1+1=1 on Twitter.
I became a follower of PlaSmart on Google.
I follow PlaSmart on Twitter.
I would gladly blog about our Plasma Car if we won it!
Ooh! Orange! That way both my kids could use it and would be gender neutral!!
I would absolutely post a pic of the kids riding it!
I'm a fan on Facebook!
Blue for sure!!! It seems to be everyone's favorite color!!
homeschoolmomof4 @ hotmail.com
Blue for sure! It's both of my boys' favorite color.
Following 1+1+1 on twitter
Following Plasmart blog!
Fan of plasmart on facebook
I will post pics on my blog if we win!
following plasmart on twitter
I would love the blue car! These look like so much fun!
I follow 1+1+1=1 on twitter
I would post a picture of my child playing on the plasmacar on my blog.
I would choose yellow!
I would choose red if we won.
I would post a photo if we won.
Bella would love the yellow one!
I would put up pictures and blog about if we won!
I would choose red...it's a favorite color around here :)
I would definitely post a photo on my blog if we won!
I'm a fan on facebook :)
I follow the PlaSmart Blog :)
I would probably choose the yellow one. It is my favorite, but I may let my 3 year old choose and go with which one he liked best.
I just became a fan on FB.
I would blog about it and include pictures.
Would LOVE a Plasmacar in YELLOW!
I'm a follower of the PlaSmart Blog! leighannerushing@yahoo.com
Red would be my choice. We have 2 of these are they are great! Even my hubby has spend hours on this.
We'd choose the red plasma car.
eskieluvr at gmail
Blue or "bwu" as my son would say!
I'm a PlaSmart blog follower!
Of course I will post pics on my blog and big ole thank you to you!
We would love a blue one! We don't have one of our own but we had a blast when at a friend's birthday party (yup, it was a party for the kids but it was really just as much fun for the adults)!!
I would LOVE to post a picture of my kids on their new BLUE plasma car (by the way)!! :)
Since it's for my daughter, I would have to pick pink. Not MY first choice, mind you...
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
Following PlaSmart on twitter!
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
Following the PlaSmart blog...
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
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